lunedì 3 marzo 2025


The production of this characteristic wine is almost entirely concentrated in the Sulcis region between the last mountain foothills of south-western Sardinia and the sea. It was probably the Phoenicians, the ancient founders Solci island of Sant'Antioco, to introduce this variety in Sardinia. The cultivation area covers about 1,700 hectares, but, despite the limited spread, Carignano may be considered for sure one of the most important and prestigious wines of 'Sardinian wine. The resistance of Carignano to salty winds coming from the sea, made it possible to develop cultivation mainly on sandy soils, warm and sunny Sulcis, which together with the low yields per vine give the wine force and richness in extract and fragrances. The successful combination of climate, soil, and this elegant grape is born a wine of intense ruby color with garnet, warm and enveloping aromas of plums and cherries, chocolate and sweet spices, licorice and black pepper. The taste is aristocratic and balanced with soft tannins of rare elegance. Recognized in 1977 as a wine with Controlled Denomination of Origin, it is marketed under the name of Carignano del Sulcis.
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