venerdì 24 gennaio 2025


Grown in Sardinia since time immemorial Nasco is a variety of great value and rare finesse. Its cultivation is limited today, concentrated mostly in calcareous soils and sunny located in the hinterland of Cagliari coast. The dialect name "Nascu" derives from the Latin "Muscus" which means moss, underlining the unmistakable scent that is particularly felt in the old wine a few years. Therefore already known in Roman times, this vine had spread throughout the island until the second half of the last century, so that the Universal Exhibition of Vienna of 1873, Nasco was judged one of the most prestigious wines of Sardinia. Bred mostly still with the classic Latin sapling, Nasco is currently reliving a renewed interest earned and although its production is still limited and mainly appreciated by a careful admirers customers. It has a very elegant and warm amber and topaz, thick consistency, the extraordinarily intense and enveloping honey, overripe fruit, dates, figs, candied orange with a final of sunny Mediterranean essences and musk. The palate is dense, sweet and velvety. Since 1972 it has recognized the Denominazione di Origine Controllata Nasco of Cagliari.
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