venerdì 24 gennaio 2025


History tells us that this vine landed in Spain with broken Punic Phoenician from the basin of the Aegean Sea, which is considered the place of origin of the great Malvasia family in which the Torbato definitely have a place. In later times it spread to some areas circumscribed around the Mediterranean including Sardinia, where he was introduced during the Spanish rule. Its cultivation, developed considerably in the 300 years of stay of the Catalans in Sardinia; hence the wine produced was also widely exported to the court of the King of Aragon from which was particularly appreciated. Currently it is grown in a small area of about 90 hectares exclusively in the territory of Alghero, a town of traditions of undoubted Catalan influence. Torbato is vinified alone for both the wines but also the basis for a sparkling version, both included in the DOC Alghero. The wine shows a pale straw color medium intense, smells that attract marine and mineral notes but also intense hints of white flowers and fruit; alive and refreshing in the mouth.
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