venerdì 24 gennaio 2025


Sardinia is undoubtedly the chosen land for this grape variety, together with Cannonau is the most typical expression of regional wine production. Coming from the Iberian Peninsula, arrived in Sardinia through Corsica in the late 1800s and the land of granite weathering of Gallura, which has found its ideal habitat, it has spread throughout the island, where he currently occupies an area of about 2,800 hectares. Vermentino cultivated in Sardinia gives a wine of great personality which is not found with other Italian and foreign wines which also bear the same name. Its presence throughout the island, characterized by different growing environments, means that the wines produced reveal, along with classic and typical features of quality and typicality of the grape also strong and unique personality, expression of the different production areas. In these last three decades Vermentino has experienced a sales trend constantly growing and seems to know no consumption crisis. The Vermentino grape is currently used for the DOCG "Vermentino di Gallura" and the DOC "Vermentino di Sardegna" and "Alghero sparkling Vermentino." Vermentino di Gallura shows an intense straw yellow color and bright golden reflections, intense and refined aromas of ripe fruit with white flesh, broom, herbs. In the mouth offers of dense softness and fresh acidity sensations with a final hot mineral notes.
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