martedì 4 marzo 2025

Su Sirboni beach

paradise for divers and snorkelers

Su Sirboni beach
The rich vegetation that goes behind this cove of white sand, set between red rocks, is the setting for a natural picture of rare beauty .
Frequented by those who love peace and the most untamed nature, the Sirboni On the beach rests on its beach of clear, turquoise waters , where they used to roam undisturbed wild boars, of Sirboni precisely , in the Sardinian language .
Paradise for scuba diving and snorkelling enthusiasts , is an inevitable destination for those visiting the land of Ogliastra .
Is reached from the SS 125 , arrived in the vicinity of Cardedu, turn towards Buoncamino and the road continues 3km before turning right, another 6 km indicating the direction of the sea, until you reach a slightly uphill road that ends in at the beach, which is accessed along a path of about 300 meters .
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