lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Loiri Porto San Paolo

  • here all promotions at Camping Village Tavolara
    from 01/05 to 14/06 from 08/09 to 14/10 and a 5% discount for stays of 3 nights and 10% for stays of one week...
  • in the territory of Porto San Paolo
    from Porto San Paolo to San Teodoro, after 2 km turn left towards Porto Taverna, drive about 1 km ...
  • in the neighborhood of hotel
    from Porto San Paolo to San Teodoro, travel 800 m and turn left, go past the hotel of the same name ...
  • opposite the island of Tavolara
    in the tourist resort of Porto San Paolo, it lies near the town opposite the island of Tavolara ...
  • just minutes from Olbia
    at the center of two extensive promontory of Capo Ceraso, in the north, and Cape Coda Cavallo, in the south ...
  • opposite stands the majestic island of Tavolara
    the various housing solutions are able to meet every need, from the pits to the Caravan Mobile Homes in the green ...
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