domenica 22 dicembre 2024

Santa Teresa Gallura

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  • near the Camping La Liccia
    Beautiful and profound with a fine white sand , bathed by the crystalline sea and served by a small kiosk ...
  • in the locality
    about 11 km from Santa Teresa Gallura to Palau , on the right of the center of Porto Pozzo ...
  • adjacent to the eponymous resort
    from Santa Teresa towards Palau, SS 133a , paths 5.3 km turn left to La Marmorata ...
  • It is relaxing in the center of Santa Teresa Gallura
    It is among the busiest of Gallura, beautifully dominated by beautiful longosarda tower, a symbol of the country ...
  • in the heart of the last hippie paradise
    from Santa Teresa towards Capo Testa, made ??3 km you reach the isthmus, go straight ahead almost until the end of the road ...
  • Capo Testa, Santa Teresa Gallura
    from Santa Teresa towards Capo Testa, scored 3 km you reach the isthmus, go straight until the end of the road ...
  • under the lighthouse of Capo Testa
    You walk where the paved road of Capo Testa and follow the beautiful path leading to the lighthouse ...
  • Capo Testa after the isthmus
    It is located near the lighthouse at Capo Testa in Santa Teresa Gallura , adjacent to the Valley of the Moon ...
  • in Santa Teresa Gallura
    It is the beach of the isthmus to the left you come to Santa Teresa Gallura in the direction of Capo Testa ...
  • just minutes from Santa Teresa Gallura
    just over 2 km and turn left to Santa Reparata , after 600 m you come to the crossroads where you turn right ...
  • a few km from the center of Santa Teresa Gallura
    from Santa Teresa towards Capo Testa, just over 2 km and turn left, passing the crossroads go straight ...
  • by Rena Bianca S. Reparata in Conca Verde and gradually ...
    Santa Teresa Gallura is known for its beaches among the most beautiful of Gallura and the entire island of Sardinia ...
  • for a nice walk
    shows a unique and solitary, is the cliff to the north of Sardinia, where the Corsica appears very close ...
  • destination for people with medical conditions
    large Nuragic complex consisting of a nuraghe and a village a few minutes walk from the center of Santa Teresa Gallura ...
  • just minutes from the center of Santa Teresa Gallura
    along a beautiful scenic road you arrive in 5 km. this promontory shaped granite rocks spectacular ...
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