domenica 22 dicembre 2024

San Teodoro

  • in the territory of San Teodoro
    about 20 km from Olbia , towards San Teodoro , after the village of Porto San Paolo , you come to this small bay ...
  • in the locality
    beautiful beach south of San Tedororo, in Porto Ottiolu, opposite the islet of Ottiolu ...
  • near the village Lu Miriaccheddu
    from San Teodoro to Budoni , along the SS 125 , after 2 km turn left towards Ottiolu port and then another 2 km ...
  • to the south of San Teodoro
    small sandy cove which lies in the southern part of the center of San Teodoro ...
  • among the most beautiful beaches of Sardinia
    beautiful long beach , which draws a large arch , an image of the territory among the most famous of Sardinia
  • rich vegetation separates it from the beach Brandinchi
    It is located in San Teodoro , near Punta Aldìa , about 2 km and a half past the town ...
  • adjoining the village Baja Bianca Club
    It is located along the coast tract of the Capo Coda Cavallo village , in the municipality of San Teodoro ...
  • opposite the island Proratora
    Capo Coda Cavallo continue for about 4 km and then take the road that leads to the Villaggio Punta Est ...
  • in the municipality of San Teodoro
    also called The butterfly is in Capo Coda Cavallo near the village Baia Salinedda ...
  • sea life and social life
    an arc along 5 km of fine white sand is La Cinta, one of the most famous beaches of Sardinia ...
  • also called " the Mediterranean "
    it is a path along which are rooted the most typical plant species of the Mediterranean ...
  • routes in San Teodoro
    They admire inevitable colonies of pink flamingos among myrtle and juniper, mastic, rosemary and cysts ...
  • along one of the widest beaches in Sardinia
    Camping San Teodoro La Cinta is located in the middle of a large green area that leads to the large white sand beach of La Cinta, among the most beautiful of Sardinia...
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