martedì 4 marzo 2025


at the center of Costa Rei

Castiadas is a common rather special, consisting of a series of small villages that lie between Costa Rei and Villasimius and embracing part of the Marine Park of Capo Carbonara and the natural area of the Park Sette Fratelli.
In the village center is the imposing former penal colony of the nineteenth century. which houses an interesting museum, and which is closely linked throughout the history of the territory, which tells of the reclamation works of prisoners of war and the terrible malaria.
The long white beaches washed by the crystal clear sea and are part of the uncontaminated environmental heritage, enhanced by the many splendid Aragonese towers, memory of past Spanish conquest.
In its 13 km. coastal Castiadas includes some of the most beautiful beaches in the southeast, as Cala Sant Elmo, Calasinzias, Santa Giusta and Cala Pira.
Campsites have included in their plans to visit the colony and territory.
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