From Villasimius towards San Priamo, after about 9.5 km turn right to Costa Rei, still 1.5 km and at the junction go straight to the parking lot; continue on foot along the path ...
From Villasimius to San Priamo , after about 9.5 km turn right for Costa Rei, still 1.5 km and at the junction go straight to the parking lot; continue on foot for 500 meters along the path to the left ...
From Villasimius north towards San Priamo , we walk 9.5 km or so before turning right towards Cala Sinzias , after yet km turn left and continue for 3 km towards Cost
from Santa Giusta, with the characteristic rock in the shape of a whale, known as Scoglio di Peppino, Cala Pira which is the background the Isle of Serpentara ...
The long white beaches that slope in a transparent sea are part of the uncontaminated environmental heritage, enhanced by the many splendid Aragonese towers, memory of past Spanish conquest ...
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