lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Domus De Maria

    Torre Chia offers solutions for villas located in the dedicated camping area, all brick and appropriately furnished, equipped with air conditioning, as well as pitches for tents, caravans and campers...
  • among the most beautiful beaches of Sardinia
    On the SS 195, turn left to Chia, arrived at the village, turn left again and walk 700 m to the parking lot adjacent to the beach of Chia, among the most beautiful of Sardinia ...
  • in the municipality of Domus de Maria
    Starting from the village of Chia go towards Porto Teulada and after a few km , close to the tourist village Baia Chia , turn left on Giudeu and follow the road that ends at the parking lot ...
  • near the village Baia Chia
    Starting from the village of Chia along the coast road towards Porto Teulada and after a few km , close to the tourist village Baia Chia , turn left and follow this road Giudeu ...
  • near Chia
    On the SS 195 , turn left to Chia , came to the village go straight to Cala Cipolla and after a few hundred meters turn left onto a dirt road ; another 500 m paths you reach the parking lot ...
  • near the ancient village
    On the SS 195 , turn left to Chia , came to the village go straight to Cala Cipolla and after a few hundred meters turn left onto a dirt road ; another 500 m paths to the parking ...
  • near Chia
    the SS 195, direction Chia, resort Setti Ballas Spartivento then off for about 2 km.
  • in the municipality of Domus de Maria
    6 km. of coastline, including beaches and high and rocky headlands, for a stunning setting ...
  • with the beautiful beach of Chia
    An area that leads, in a few minutes drive from the beautiful beaches of Chia the granite mountains of the hinterland, to step into the beautiful natural oasis WWF ...
  • along one of the most beautiful bays of the South Coast
    equipped with all modern comforts, Camping Village Torre Chia is synonymous with unforgettable holidays outdoors, including beautiful beaches and rocky outcrops prosthesis sea blue ...
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