martedì 4 marzo 2025

Cala Cartoe beach

on a stretch of pristine beach

Cala Cartoe beach
One of the many beautiful beaches of the Gulf of Orosei, Cala Cartoe lies along a stretch of unspoilt beach, because not easily accessible .
The sand has a shade slightly darker and occupies a shoreline bordered by cliffs, while behind him stands the green of the rich Mediterranean vegetation.
Blue and transparent sea plays with the reflections of the sun is reflected in the dry that characterizes this stretch of beach , with kiosk , behind which lies a small pond .
Cala Cartoe is reached after a road course made ??of dirt and pieces of asphalt that alternate once taken the detour to Ispinigoli.
At the end of the first stretch of about 4 km, it starts a dirt road about 500 meters, then back to asphalt 400 meters, then turn left and you drive another 3 km. where you get back on the dirt road for another km. still, and then leave the car down the road and walk down to the beach .
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