martedì 4 marzo 2025

Fregula mussels and razor clams

Fregula mussels and razor clams
dispose of

300 g of fregula
400 g of razor clams
400 g of mussels
1 clove of garlic
1 of Vermentino wine glasses
extra virgin olive oil


take a large pot and put them in water and salt razor clams for at least a night. Abound with salt, mettetene 2 or 3 handfuls full.
Clean the mussels scraping the shell with a knife and eliminating the fine. Put the razor clams in a pan, the mussels in another pan and let them open.
When both are open filtered water to remove impurities and combined it with the water of the mussels. Set aside along with the filtered sauce.
Put the olive oil in a large frying pan and then brown the garlic. Add the fregula and let it toast. Pour the salt and wine.
Cook the fregula adding the cooking sauce of mussels and razor clams.
Almost at the end of cooking, add the mussels and razor clams and serve garnished with a little 'of parsley.
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