martedì 4 marzo 2025

Malloreddus al Sugo di Cinghiale

Malloreddus al Sugo di Cinghiale
dispose of

500 grams of malloreddus
300 grams of wild boar meat
1 carrot
1 white onion
1 celery
3 sage leaves
240 ml of tomato sauce
1/2 glass of red wine Cannonau of Sardinia
extra virgin olive oil


Prepare the chopped carrot, celery and onion into small cubes, put everything in a pan with a little oil. After a few minutes add salt and pepper and continue browning. Add the wild boar meat cut into small pieces, then add the sage.
When the boar will be thoroughly browned, add the wine and let evaporate; add the tomato puree and after five minutes, cover the meat with warm water.
Simmer for about an hour and a half.
Bring to a boil malloreddus in salted water, drain when cooked directly in the pan with the sauce, blow up everything and serve with a generous sprinkling of grated pecorino cheese.
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