martedì 4 marzo 2025

Paella all'Algherese

Paella all'Algherese
dispose of

320 g rice
300 g of mussels
300 g of clams
80 g of peas
80 g of peppers
80 g courgettes
400 g shrimp
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
1 glass of Vermentino wine
extra virgin olive oil


Clean the mussels well rubbing the surface and eliminating the fine. Rinse in cold water with the clams and place them in a large pan.
Let them open a high flame and remove them from the pan. Strain the cooking sauce, salt and add the saffron. Lengthened the sauce with water and set aside. Wash the vegetables, chopped peppers and zucchini.
In a large skillet saute the minced garlic with the oil and add the peas. mix well and add the zucchini after about 5 minutes. United after about six minutes the peppers, salt and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes.
In a saucepan imbiondite now finely chopped onion in the oil, add the rice and toast. Pour the wine and cook for about 10 minutes, adding gradually the cooking sauce prepared earlier.
United now the vegetables, stir well and cook for about 10 minutes. Now add the shrimp and cook uncovered pan for about 5 minutes. Bake now your paella to 200 ° degrees for 5 minutes. Before serving, add the mussels and clams and sprinkle with parsley.
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