martedì 4 marzo 2025

Suppa Cuata o Zuppa Gallurese

Suppa Cuata o Zuppa Gallurese
arrange for the broth
A thin piece of beef and a piece of sheep's ribs with a little fat. Onion
two tablespoons of tomato paste
two bay leaves
two cloves and sale.
Ingredienti for the soup: A crown of hard wheat bread stale at least three days 600 grams of cow's milk cheese with spun dough, fresh parsley, Tasty, Butter

Prepare if possible the day before the stock, the success of the dish is in the care of its preparation of the latter. Once ready the broth grease with butter a baking sheet, in the meantime you will have prepared the bread slices. In a separate plate shredded cheese and add the chopped parsley and a tasty level teaspoon and mix everything by hand. Now make a layer of bread in greased baking dish with butter and moisten with the broth. Sprinkle with the mixture of parsley and savory cheese, and then another layer of bread and moisten with broth and again then sprinkle with the cheese and so on until you finish the bread and cheese that will be placed over the last layer of bread wet with the broth to create the classic golden crust
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