martedì 4 marzo 2025

Villaggio Camping Cavallo Bianco ***

a thousand colors of the sea and vegetation

Villaggio Camping Cavallo Bianco ***
The Village Camping Cavallo Bianco is located on the beautiful coastline of Lotzorai and relax for 45 000 sq m., In the shade of a dense vegetation of pine, willow trees and Mediterranean trees.
For a holiday in the open air, in contact with nature and for some sometimes wild, Village Camping Cavallo Bianco has kept the original features of the typical campsite, favoring the rural and hospitality typical of this holiday.
It has a parking area, not equipped for caravans and campers, as well as mobile homes furnished and equipped with many services, for those who want a comfortable stay.

The solution accommodation are given by Touring Caravans and Camper, wellness and healthy living in close contact with nature, to feel healthy and do a full of energy, in a context that expresses the freedom and full integration with environment total relaxation.
Mobile Homes represent a housing solution which combines healthy living, immersed in a rich vegetation, the comforts of home, as with all comforts and spacious interiors.
Able to accommodate up to 6 people, have a large patio and are equipped with running hot and cold water, shower, sink and toilet, air conditioning and all the equipment necessary for everyday life, from the stove to the refrigerator, then dishes , cutlery and quant'atro.

At Village Camping Cavallo Bianco operate a range of services, from the Pizzeria Bar with TV, barbecue area, Market, Hairdresser, Video games, Soccer Field, Baby parking and car wash area, boats and caravans, shaded car, Camper Service, Storing annual caravans, campers and boats, Sanitary facilities with hot showers 24 hours 24, Laundry.
During the summer the Village Camping Cavallo Bianco organizes a program of evenings that provide a folklore show and dance groups.
We organize horse riding, trekking, boat trips in the beautiful coves of Baunei, Cala Mariolu, Cala Luna, Cala Sisine, Goloritzè, Biriola and caves of Fico and Bue Marino, to live right in the true spirit of the holiday !
  • indirizzo: Localita' Lido Delle Rose, 1
  • località: Lotzorai
  • tel est. +39 0782.669110 inv. +39 0782.669095 +39 338.3807472
  • fax: +39 0782.668177
  • email:
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