lunedì 3 marzo 2025

wine production of Sardinia

Wines of Sardinia

wine production of Sardinia
The use of more established technologies enables manufacturers islanders compete today with the best representatives of the wine industry and international wine.
The renewal of the wine-growing structures and constant updates have brought Sardinia to make a great leap forward in the production and marketing of high quality wines.
Wines unmistakable palate that evoke images of the earth which they originated.

The red wine Cannonau is perhaps the most representative of the island, produced all over the island but that finds its ideal habitat in the most central areas.
Other red grape is the most present Monica, probably of Spanish origin, while in third place is the Carignano, produced in specialized vineyards reared back or sapling.

Among the white wines, Vermentino and Nuragus are certainly those produced in greater quantities, the first is the excellent DOCG di Gallura and from the point of view of quality excels on all other white table, while the second, equally appreciated, sees its maximum production in the provinces of Cagliari and Oristano.

A growing particularly concentrated in Oristano is also one of the Vernaccia, which bears no resemblance with the same name produced in other parts of Italy, but that is one of the most prestigious wines of the Sardinian viticulture.
To characterize the accompaniment to desserts Sardinians, three important wines: Malvasia, much appreciated is to Bosa, Nasco, produced mainly in the Cagliari and Moscato grape of ancient origin, which mostly affects the Campidano in Sardinia, and the Romangia Gallura.

Next to the table wines and dessert, is being flanked by the production of local spirits herbal, as the Mirto and Villacidro, and sparkling wines made with the Charmat method, further evidence of the renovation and modernization of viticulture island.
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