venerdì 24 gennaio 2025

Giants Mont'e Prama

the Municipal Museum of Cabras

Giants Mont'e Prama
Among the most important findings of this new millennium, capable of affecting the most famous international media, the Giants Mont'e Prama are a great discovery that envelops these beautiful large statues in sandstone in the mystery and charm of ancient times.
Studies and surveys, games from their discovery in September 2014, will confirm them as the first examples of classical statuary of the western world, making the archaeological site of Mont'e Prama one of the places of historic significance in the archaeological world.
Now the two pugilists sandstone found in the location near the Museum of Cabras, bringing the world's attention and immediately gaining the interest of many lovers of history and archeology, who came to visit the center of Oristano.

After almost three thousand years archaeologists of the Superintendent of the provinces of Cagliari and Oristano and Sassari University, have brought to the surface, with a very careful and professional work of recovering these valuable pieces that could rewrite many pages of ancient history.

The Giants Mont'e Prama have sparked a thousand theses and hypotheses among fans and scholars in the field. From the photos of Nicola Castangia, photographer, editor and associate of Nurnet, the Network of Nuraghi, who wanted to spread them on the internet by placing the statues and masks of ancient tradition, has opened a confrontation that led to unveil some details that highlight elements that might link to Componidori the Sartiglia of Oristano, or Issohadores from Mamoiada, Boes from Ottana, and other traditional figures of the Sardinian carnival.

Comparisons and debates that have fiery cross the web, but we do not want to say the allocation of Giants Mont'e Prama in local masks, but try to establish if they were masked to say that already 5 thousand years ago there was a masked Sardinia.
In the past, the idea was raised among scholars, although the mainstream of professionals has never taken shape.
But it is logical to say that if this hypothesis is confirmed it would open new scenarios in terms of archaeological and anthropological.

The Municipal Museum of Cabras then assumes extraordinary importance at this historic moment, as it could be from here that you rewrite important pages of the history of Sardinia, which is why it is the focus of a route visiting the Sinis.
also the site of Mont'e Prama is open, obviously with the logical restrictions due to the excavation and the work that they are continuing and that, apparently, have not yet finished bringing to light fundamental traces of ancient civilizations.

Archaeological Site - opening hours

November - December - JANUARY: 9:00 to 17:00 (closed on Mondays)
February and March: 9:00 to 18:00 (closed on Mondays)
April and May: 9:00 to 19:00 (always open)
June, July and August: 9:00 to 20:00 (always open)
September: 9:00 to 19:00 (always open)
October: 9:00 to 18:00 (always open)
  • indirizzo: Area Archeologica di Tharros
  • località: San Giovanni di Sinis
  • tel 0783370019
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