martedė 4 marzo 2025

Camping & Bungalows Porto Sosālinos

small chest of hospitality located on the sea in the pine forest

Camping & Bungalows Porto Sosàlinos
A few meters from the sea, in one of the most pristine areas of Sardinia, Camping Porto Sosālinos offers unique environment and atmosphere, different from any other camp in Sardinia, surrounded by an area a bit 'exotic, still largely wild, where you can find the much desired peace and serenity.
Camping Porto Sosālinos is the ideal destination for those who need to find themselves and focus on their needs, giving to the mind and body to a state of tranquility, away from the logic of organized trips or holiday-centers: a totally eco-friendly place that has developed , over time, to provide even more comfort and facilities, but respecting the environment and following bio-architectural canons, with the use of wood and then place stones, solar panels and re-use of treated wastewater.
Born in 1970 as a place to vacation for a few friends to live and find themselves in direct contact with nature and with the people, has been able to maintain over time that style, characterized by this philosophy of a "find themselves on vacation."

Are planning boat trips, hiking, massages and dinners with the shepherds, you can practice various sports, from free climbing to kite surfing as well as relax lying in the sun in the adjacent beautiful beach.
Camping Porto Sosālinos is not just a campsite, but it is also a place to spend a different holiday, to live days of total relaxation, resting in the hammock or on the couch, listening to good music in a simple and elegant environment, drinking a beer with friends or meeting up for breakfast at the campsite bar.

  • apertura: stagionale
  • indirizzo: s.s. 125 km 234,5
  • localitā: Orosei
  • tel +39 339.1330188 - +39 0471.664696  
  • email:
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