martedì 4 marzo 2025

Camping Ermosa **

young, but discreet and multicultural

Camping Ermosa **
Camping Ermosa located in one of the most beautiful area of Sardinia. Near the characteristic hamlet of Posada.
The Campsite is  easy to find, it takes 40 minutes to get to Olbia’s Airport and port, and only 10 minutes to Budoni and San Teodoro.
The Campsite is equipped with all facilities (pitches, toilettes, hot showers, restaurant-bar, some flats for those who would like a more comfortable accommodation). Tent’s pitches are realized following CEE regulation, facilities include hot current water and many toilettes according to the best care of our clients.
Camping Ermosa has pitches, bungalows and apartments.
In the Campsite you will find two blocks of service, bathrooms are numerous so the showers with hot water at all hours.
are all equipped with electric energy from the specific distribution pumps. According to the law, the tacking of electric energy. The proximity of the sea allows you the opportunity to be albe to enjoy the benefits at any hour of the day. Surronded by itself in a small nature reserve with pond on the north side the Camping Ermosa is the ideal place for a relaxing holiday.
The Bar and Restaurant are available for lunch, dinner or enjoy a drink. In the evening the Pizzeria is opened.
Other Services: small market, children’s playground, tennis court, tennis table and a wi-fi zone free.
  • indirizzo: Loc. Su Tiriarzu
  • località: Posada
  • tel +39 338.1451831 +39 0784.853010
  • email:
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