martedì 4 marzo 2025

Sweet peaches

Sweet peaches

you have

6 eggs
100 grams of sugar
100 grams of flour
Icing sugar
For the stuffing:
Alkermes liqueur or jam


Whisk the egg whites stiff steadfast with half the sugar and the egg yolks with the other half. Meanwhile turn the oven to 170 ° C. Add the mixture to the yolks from egg whites, stirring from top to bottom so they will not dismount. At this point add the flour very slowly making her get off a colander. Put the mixture into a piping bag and take the form of balls in a baking pan with parchment paper. Spolverateci over a little granulated sugar mixed with icing sugar, using a strainer. Cook for about 20 minutes (but regulator with your oven). Remove the biscuits and leave to cool. Moisten the ends with a little liqueur and jam and close.
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