martedì 4 marzo 2025


you have
250 g flour 00
to taste 100 g almonds
100g raisins
100 g of nuts
100 g of sugar
150 g of lard
1 whole egg + 1 egg yolk (the egg white will be used for the icing)
1 lemon
150 ml marsala or sapa
a pinch of salt
For the icing:
90 g of sugar
1 egg white
mompariglia and silver beads


Put the raisins to soak for ten minutes in a bit 'of water, then dry it and flour it. Mix the flour with lard working with your fingertips, then add the whole egg and yolk, sugar, grated rind of lemon, marsala or sapa to taste, a pinch of salt, almonds or / and chopped and crushed walnuts and raisins. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to a thickness of about 1 cm and a half, then cut a diamond pattern with a sharp knife. Arrange on plate covered papassini cartaforno and cook at 175 ° C for 16 minutes. The cookies surface should be just golden. Prepare the frosting: In a saucepan, beat the egg whites and add the sugar. Heat in a double boiler until the sugar has completely dissolved. Let cool and thicken, stirring occasionally, then with the help of a brush sprinkle on papassini (which will be cooled in the meantime). Decorate as desired with the mompariglia and silver beads.
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