martedì 4 marzo 2025


you have

500 g flour
600 grams of fresh cheese
50 grams of lard
1 semolina spoon
1 lemon
extra virgin olive oil
bitter honey or powdered sugar


Cook on low heat in a quart of water cheese acid a few days, a tablespoon semolina and the grated rind of a lemon. When the water is absorbed and the cheese becomes thick as a cream formed with the mixture of the disks that you will put to dry in a towel. Meanwhile, prepare the dough with flour, lard and warm water. Roll it out and prepare the disks on which you lay down the cheese. Cover with another circle of dough, pressed down the board and cut with the wheel. Seadas are fried in plenty of hot oil and are served sprinkled with bitter honey or sugar.
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