martedì 4 marzo 2025
  • » Sardinia
  • » Sa trattalia o coratella

Sa trattalia o coratella

Sa trattalia o coratella
you have

1 kid offal ( liver, heart , lung, spleen , sweetbreads , the gut and the retina )
Salt to taste.


Coarsely chopped entrails of the goat and infilzatele the spit alternating between the different parts. Put to roast in the fire with embers glowing for about 20-30 minutes, being turn slowly so that you bake evenly in all its parts and salt. We suggest an olive wood fire , for the characteristic scent that gives the dish. Now remove it from the heat and carefully wrap the retina and then the casing , previously washed to perfection ( goodness is in the care that arises at this stage ). Braided gut patiently and continue to roast for about 40 minutes ( or until assume a tone that goes from golden to brown ), add salt and serve hot .
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