martedì 4 marzo 2025

Prawns Vernaccia

Prawns Vernaccia
you have

the average size shrimp 1 kg
Vernaccia di Oristano 250 ml
a glass of extra virgin olive oil
three cloves of garlic
a bunch of parsley
Salt to taste.

Finely chop the parsley together with the garlic . Oil mix them in a bowl and make an emulsion. Arrange the shrimp next to each other in a baking dish obtaining a single layer, without gaps. Add salt generously and spread the sauce evenly on shellfish. Put the pan in a preheated oven at 170 degrees. After five minutes, open the oven and pour the Vernaccia, cover well the shrimp with aluminum foil and continue cooking for another eight to ten minutes at the most.
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