martedì 4 marzo 2025


Cannonau is the red wine that perhaps more than any other immediately calls to mind the Sardinia, its traditions and its friendly hospitality. The cultivation of the grape and its Doc area, has spread throughout the island, but finds its preferred environment in inland areas, especially the Ogliastra. Doc here is divided into three sub-zones: Jerzu, Oliena and Capo Ferrato. In addition, in blends with Bovale Sardo and Monica, she participates in the Doc Mandrolisai. Although it is considered to be a wine you do not know with certainty its origins, however, recent studies still in progress might be to assume the presence of Cannonau in Sardinia already at the time of the Spanish domination, a period which historically goes back to its introduction. Cannonau is thirty percent of the area planted Sardinian and occupies a total area of about 7500 hectares, concentrated more than 70% in the Province of Nuoro. The grape yields are never very high and on average are eighty quintals per hectare. The wine is characterized by a typical and particular of taste and scent fineness, from area to area variable; It comes up with a good structure and taste olfactory sensations that recall, in different expressions, flowers or red fruits, fresh, which turn into more mature notes of jam and hot spicy notes in the reserve type or liqueur.
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