martedì 4 marzo 2025


Monica, is one of the oldest Sardinian vines introduction, is present, even if with different percentages, around the island territory where it is cultivated on a total area of about 3000 hectares. L 'most accepted hypothesis on the origins of the vine is the one that gives the introduction in Sardinia around the eleventh century, at the hands of the Camaldolese monks, from which derives the name by which he is most widely known. Another theory attributes the origin to the period of Spanish domination, in fact in some areas of the island the grape is called "Monica di Spagna" or "Grapes Mora". II grape variety expresses its best productive potential on medium deep soils calcareous composition at an average gradient hill areas, plenty of natural light. In wine made exclusively from grapes Monica we find fresh aromas of blackberry and cherry, red fruit jam and delicate spiciness often accompanied by sweet almond nuances. The palate is warm and pleasantly soft. Vine from Monica you get two types DOC: Monica di Sardegna and Monica of Cagliari, it is currently almost unused. Blended with Bovale Sardinian Cannonau and participates in the Doc Mandrolisai.
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