lunedì 3 marzo 2025


Grape variety of ancient origins, present in Sardinia since the time of the Romans, from which it was called vitis apiana as favorite grape of the bees for the sweetness of its berries. The same term moscato, in analogy to the Latin name could derive from the attraction that these grapes sugary esecitano on flies. This vine is present in almost all wine-growing areas of the Mediterranean; in Sardinia we find it mainly in calcareous and sunny land of lower Campidano and Romangia and on granitic substrates of Gallura. To these three viticultural areas are three different types and characteristics of Moscato that are identified in the corresponding DOC: Moscato di Cagliari, Sorso-Sennori and Moscato di Sardegna Spumante subdenomination "Temple" or "Gallura". Leaving aside the Spumante type, we can identify in the Moscato di Sennori Sorso- greater characterization of this wonderful wine. The traditional breeding sapling and low yields per hectare of vineyards of Romangia, combined exposure to dry and sunny limestone soils, give the taste and smell aromatic expressions wine of great magnitude. The warm color recalls the gold and amber, the scents are primary ones of origin fruit that evoke sensations of honey, almonds, apricot jam figs and cooked must. exquisitely sweet, warm and wonderfully soft and smooth on the palate.
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