martedì 4 marzo 2025

Burrida a sa Casteddaia

Burrida a sa Casteddaia
dispose of

500 g of dogfish
10 Nuts
500 ml of white wine vinegar
extra virgin olive oil
1 garlic cloves


After having cleaned and washed the dogfish, remove the liver and keep aside. Boil in salted water dogfish by boiling for a quarter of an hour with the bay leaf, remove the head, spellatelo and cut it into small pieces. Chopped kernels of walnuts with garlic. Heat the oil in a pan, add the garlic and the chopped nuts and liver, crushing it with a fork until you have a creamy sauce. Pour the vinegar.
Now placed in a bowl Thick pieces of catfish and cover each layer with just removed from the heat sauce. Cover and let stand at least 24
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