martedì 4 marzo 2025

Stuffed tomatoes

Stuffed tomatoes
dispose of

1 kg of tomatoes
1 bunch of parsley
2-3 cloves garlic
1 red pepper
bread crumbs
extra virgin olive oil


Wash, clean and chop the parsley. Wash and dry the tomatoes, then cut them in half. Some incisions in the flesh of the tomatoes and transfer them on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper. Chop the garlic cloves giving the last chopped parsley together. Chop also a spicy chili and add to the odorous mixture in a bowl. Combined with chopped herbs also breadcrumbs. Drizzle, now, the tomatoes with a nice round of extra virgin olive oil and salt them adequately. Spread the mixture of smells and breadcrumbs on the tomatoes, pour olive oil, salted properly and bake all at 160 ° C for about 1 hour. When the tomatoes are cooked and well gratin, transfer them on a serving tray sprayed with olive oil.
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