martedì 4 marzo 2025

Melanzane alla Sarda

Melanzane alla Sarda
dispose of

2 large eggplants
4 dried tomatoes
2 cloves garlic
extra virgin olive oil


Break up with their hands parsley and chopped garlic into thin slices. Wash the dried tomatoes and cut them into pieces. Wash the eggplants and cut them in two, lengthwise. Carved the inside of the squared eggplants. Enlarge lightly with your hands and place the chopped garlic, dried tomatoes and parsley. Arrange the eggplant in a baking dish, greased with oil. Pour a little oil over the eggplant and bake at 250 degrees for about 30 minutes. Once cooked, remove the eggplant from the oven and let them cool. Serve.
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