martedì 4 marzo 2025

Orziadas Fried or sea anemones

Orziadas Fried or sea anemones
dispose of

500 g of orziadas
00 flour wheat
durum wheat flour
extra virgin olive oil


The anemones must be accurately washed, possibly with sea water, to remove all impurities (algae, sand) that get stuck between the tentacles. It is advisable to wear gloves to proceed with this operation because the tentacles of anemones are stinging. After washing let them drain. Meanwhile, pour the flour into the bowl and flour in doses of 3/4 and 1/4 respectively. Pour anemones and rigirateli to cover them all over. Eliminate the excess flour and pour slowly in a pan with the hot oil. After a few minutes of cooking Gather them with a slotted spoon and place them on absorbent kitchen paper to remove excess oil. Add salt and serve hot with lemon wedges.
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