martedì 4 marzo 2025

province of Cagliari routes

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  • backdrops of Costa Rei and the wrecks of Capo Ferrato
    an underwater world to discover
    Seabed rich in marine life and an interesting wrecks War that make the area one of the most beautiful scuba diving ...
  • Nora
    ancient settlement in the town of Pula
    Ancient settlement that still holds numerous testimonies, including the spa, some sacred buildings, the theater and the stele of Nora ...
  • Capoterra and the Natural Oasis WWF
    the green Sardinia
    Meeting with unspoiled nature, stretching wide, until it reaches the towns of Pula, Teulada, Domus de Maria, and a few minutes from the city of Cagliari ...
  • Pula
    with the beautiful town of Santa Margherita
    History and traditions are reflected in the blue-green sea, to enchant the visitor and accompany him back in time ...
  • Chia beach
    in the municipality of Domus de Maria
    6 km. of coastline, including beaches and high and rocky headlands, for a stunning setting ...
  • Domus de Maria
    with the beautiful beach of Chia
    An area that leads, in a few minutes drive from the beautiful beaches of Chia the granite mountains of the hinterland, to step into the beautiful natural oasis WWF ...
  • Teulada
    along the South Coast
    Located on the border with the Middle Campidano, closes that stretch of sea is extraordinary that the South Coast, the coast that stretches from Capo Teulada and juts out into the open sea to Cape Spartivento ...
  • The South Coast
    route on the most southern spur of Sardinia
    It 'a succession of beautiful beaches and coves, characterized by a transparent sea gently sloping, along a route that crosses the famous resorts of Pula, Domus de Maria and Teulada, between environment and history ...
  • The Regional Natural Park Molentargius-Saline
    in the territory of Cagliari and Quartu Sant'Elena
    Wetland of international value of the most important in Europe, it is a rare example of ecosystem and habitat for many animal species, including the pink flamingo ...
  • Quartu Sant’Elena
    a little gem in 2 steps from Cagliari
    Connected from the beautiful beach Poetto Quartu Sant'elena is an integral part of the city of Cagliari, thus enjoying the privileges of the capital and, at the same time, the peculiarities of the place of the province ...
  • San Sperate
    the "museum city" built by Pinuccio Sciola
    A few kilometers from Cagliari, this center is the 1968 Country Museum, with its streets and its views and embellished by the many colorful murals, sculptures and monuments of various artists ...
  • The Poetto, charm and history
    the long beach of Cagliari and more ...
    symbol of Cagliari summer tourism and beyond. The Poetto has always been a meeting place, to times of when, this wonderful deep and broad strip of sand, attracted beach lovers and not only ...
  • Necropolis Tuvixeddu
    historical tours of Cagliari
    located on the hill from which it takes its name and it is important historical evidence of Sardinia. The site has been "saved" by an attempt of urbanization due to an action of historical preservation implemented by the regional government Soru
  • Cagliari underground
    visit to the hidden city
    To enter in its bowels and its fascinating history, through the tanks dug by the Phoenicians ...
  • the city of Cagliari
    in the Gulf of Angels
    an ideal location to visit the capital of Sardinia, through routes that lead to the discovery of extraordinary views, including places of worship and ancient palaces, museums and historical attractions of a city among the most beautiful in Italy ....
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