martedì 4 marzo 2025


The territory includes the beautiful Costa Verde

For those coming from Guspini, Arbus suddenly appears, with its first houses, behind the pass Genna Frongia.
A solitary and quiet town, developed around the parish church of St. Sebastian which boasts among its features to host a real magician cutlery Sardinian Paolo Pusceddu, author of a switchblade knife recognized the world's largest, long 3 , 35 m. and heavy 80 kg., for this included in the Guinness Book of Records, records subsequently beaten in 2002 by himself, with the creation of a switchblade 4 meters long and 85 cm, weighing 295 kilograms well.
Interesting, to stay on, the Museum of the Sardinian knife, in the heart of Arbus, the first born in Sardinia dedicated to this great tradition of the island, entirely dedicated to the production of Sardinian knives from 1600 to today.

The coastal area which connects Arbus is called Costa Verde, a heavenly stretch of sea still pristine and not affected by tourist settlements, on which there are wide beaches of sand dunes and cliffs overlooking clear waters.
Fascinating path which leads to Marina di Arbus, crossing one of the most fascinating areas dell'Iglesiente, land historically suited to mining, which has left spectacular examples of industrial architecture built in the nineteenth century.
Buildings and facilities, now decommissioned, they appear as ghosts including the Mediterranean and the hills, where time seems to stand still.
So, from Arbus first glimpse of the blue sea, you go for the Montevecchio mine, one of the largest mining centers of the European continent that is nestled between green mountains. From here, a few km. along winding roads and places that seem to speak of other times, you come from the mines of Ingurtosu arriving at the grotte of Su Mannau, the longest cavity of this area (about 6 km.)
With age 30 million years, to visit through interesting speleological and qualified guides, and discover inside the crustacean white Stenasellus nuragicus, unique in the world. Right after you open a real heavenly vision, seeing the beach dunes Piscinas, one of the most amazing places in Sardinia.
The image recalls a desert landscape, with an expanse of dunes among the widest in Italy, where the line dividing the horizon only the white color of the sand by the blue sea and then the sky in a scenario simply spectacular.
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