venerdì 24 gennaio 2025

La Costa Verde

Piscinas and surroundings

La Costa Verde
The territory of the town of Arbus is heritage of extraordinary beauty, of ancient and recent history, including archaeological sites and disused mines, visited today and acpire to know a little more of a people, its culture, its traditions.
The route that leads from the town center to the sea is a succession of ideas of great interest, a partially unpaved road, beautiful as tortuous, however viable both by car and motorcycle, mountain bike or horseback.
Piscinas is a sandy coastline, characterized by the dunes that make it a unique place; continuing north, up to Marina di Arbus is a succession of beautiful beaches that alternate points of interests such as Cologne Funtanazza Marina and Porto Palma, a small village set in a cove a time relevant to the activity of a trap which today remain some structures.

A little further north, at the Tower of Flumentorgiu, you reach another modern tourist center, Arbus, whose coastal landscape is dominated by another succession of dunes that reach Pistis, known as Is Arenas and S'Acqua 'and s'Ollastu (Sardinian sands and water the olive).
No less extraordinary landscape that stretches across the Costa Verde, to the south, with the beautiful beaches of S'Acquadroxiu-Pischeredda at the dunes Scivu.
To the south of these is the seaside resort of Porto Piccolo (Portixeddu) whose long beach comes to charming fjord of Cala Domestica, enclosed by high cliffs and a headland dominated by an ancient Saracen tower.
From here in about 11 km. you can continue to Masua for the visit to the cave mining Porto Flavia and to admire one of the most pristine stretches of the Italian coast, the one between rochy in front of which stand out the spectacular cliffs of Pan di Zucchero, and S'Augusten and  Il Morto.
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