martedì 4 marzo 2025

Archaeological Museum - Antiquarium

within the structure of Monte Granatico

Archaeological Museum - Antiquarium
The visit to the Archaeological Museum of Sant'Antioco is a must for the traveler who passes the island, either by the wide selection of materials found in the excavations which took place here, either for the interesting route along which it runs , starting from the illustration of the prehistoric Neolithic, III millennium BC (Ozieri culture) returned from the excavations of the city and from the Hospice largest settlement outside of Canai.
The following steps relate to the culture nuragica, with a series of small pots and bowls of dough stage old age 'Bronze from a place' unknown and the few fragments of culture nuragica found in excavations of the Hospice.

The exhibition does not make it to the conspicuous giustzia spread of settlements prehistoric and proto which marked the landscape of this area, however, the visit to the museum, combined with a walk to discover the menhirs and Su Para Sa Mongia and Domus de Janas of Is Pruinis, to follow the dolmen Corongiu Murvonis, the fortified complex of Grutt'acqua and the tomb of the giants of Su Niu 'and Su Crobu" , is undoubtedly the most suitable solution to get into the local history, from prehistoric times to the Nuraghic period, immersed in the Mediterranean.
  • apertura: tutti i giorni dalle 9,00 alle 19,00
  • indirizzo: Via Sabatino Moscati
  • località: Sant'Antioco
  • tel +39 0781.82105 389.7962114
  • email:
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