martedì 4 marzo 2025


with the beach of Cea - Is Scoglius Arrubius

Almost joined Tortolì is the small town of Arbatax, located at the base of the imposing Capo Bellavista, granite promontory surmounted by a beautiful lighthouse and the picturesque tower of Arbatax (XVI sec.)
Overlooking the harbor, the most important of the east coast of Sardinia after that of Olbia, where they stop lines for Cagliari, Civitavecchia, Genoa and Olbia.
This ancient fishing village is famous for its picturesque red rocks, the splendid red porphyry cliffs that rise from the sea, you can enjoy from the port.
On the north side of the promontory of Capo Bellavista opens a beautiful panoramic terrace overlooking the beautiful beach of Cala Moresca, located at the tourist center of the same name.

Among the resort areas that extend to the south of Arbatax is reporting the beach of San Gemiliano, overlooked by the homonymous Spanish tower, the characteristic Porto Frailis beach of white sand washed by the sea, and the beach of Orrì that connects to other beaches of Punta Musculedda. Driving along a short stretch of the eastern road 125, you can also reach the beautiful beach of Cea-Is Scoglius Arrubius, named for the two spiers of red porphyry emerging from the sea, and the small Bay of Cea, near Barisardo.
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