martedì 4 marzo 2025


It is meaning "beyond the mountains"

Its name means "beyond the mountains", significandone its location over the mountains of the Tacchi. The territory is very spectacular and at the same time rough, heavily weighted complex heels, including the Su Casteddu 'and Jeni, that among the many spiers it has a rather bizarre form, called Dante remembers as a human profile with nose aquiline, like that of the great poet.

In the area there are some domus de Janas period Prenuraghic nuraghi and interesting tomb of the giants found in the village at Is Tostoinus (the tortoise).
The most representative monument of the town is certainly the beautiful church of S. Salvatore, now called St. Girolamo, seems medieval, surrounded by typical churches stone sheltering the pilgrims who came here for the Feast of St. Salvatore.
Another interesting site is not far from where you can see Niala On Tuvu Nieddu, a natural bridge to the Rio S. Girolamo created by digging into the limestone.
Spectacular also the railway bridge to Lanusei the green train that runs through the gorge of the Rio Sa Taula, always Niala.
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