giovedì 9 gennaio 2025

territory of Tortolì Lanusei routes

It occupies the south side of the island, from the basin of the Flumendosa up to the walls of the Gennargentu, alternating dipiccole coves and high and rocky coasts, for a marvelous setting.
Ogliastra is a wild, inaccessible for long stretches, perhaps even more territory to explore, even more mysterious and, therefore, more attractive.
Inside roads that climb to lead to unforgettable views, surrounded by green pastures and forests, including flora and fauna that make these unique landscapes.
The coast is instead equipped to host, with the maximum comfort, an international tourism, with facilities equipped and modern that overlook a sea that has made this area world famous.
The days here are lived fully, between sea and trekking, among tastings of typical products of pastoralism and agriculture, cheese and wine Cannonau maybe to try to farmer's house, and excursions along the coast, where limestone cliffs overhanging open quiet coves, such as the famous Cala Goloritzè.
Further on, in the territories of Arbatax, Tortoli and Gairo, relax, however, wide sandy beaches that alternate with red porphyry rocks, granite or to the unusual black beach of Coccorrocci.
Ogliastra is this ... and more!

  • Baunei
    Ground pearl of Ogliastra
    a coastline that is home to beautiful beaches and coves including Cala Goloritze , Cala Mariolu and Cala Sisine ...
  • Tacchi d'Ogliastra
    interested municipalities of Ulassai, Osini, Gairo and Ussassai
    special training limestone-dolomite mountains crossed by paths, driveways and paths for hikers ...
  • Gairo
    sea and inland
    It is the only one of the Tacchi d'Ogliastra to boast a strip of the sea, with Marina di Gairo, where they lie pristine beaches ...
  • Osini
    between Gairo and Jerzu, Ogliastra
    very quaint village, with narrow streets and houses with wooden doors framed by a halo red or blue ...
  • Ulassai
    at the base of Tacchi
    with the Grotta Su Marmuri, one of the largest in the region with its 1,000 m. in length and a height of 30-50 meters ...
  • Ussassai
    It is meaning "beyond the mountains"
    territory and spectacular at the same time rough, heavily weighted complex heels, including the Su Casteddu 'and Jeni ...
  • Lotzorai
    only 5 km. from Tortolì
    tourist destination of 'Ogliastra with numerous shelters and historical, as the thirteenth-century castle of Medusa ...
  • Tortolì
    capital of tourism Ogliastra
    important tourist center of Sardinia, includes the town of Arbatax, center with the port that connects to the Italian peninsula ...
  • Routes on Tacchi
    routes in Ogliastra
    a series of itineraries for soprire a land still intact, for some contacts wild, where nature expresses all its charm ...
  • Barisardo (Bari sardo)
    on the coast of Ogliastra
    Its coastline stretches for about 10 km along the central eastern coast of Sardinia and starts from the town of Cea ...
  • Arbatax
    with the beach of Cea - Is Scoglius Arrubius
    at the base of the imposing Capo Bellavista, granite promontory surmounted by a beautiful and picturesque lighthouse tower ...
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