lunedì 20 gennaio 2025
  • » Sardinia


  • in a large pan sear the meat cut pieces with the oil and pour in the wine over high heat. Remove the meat from the pan and into the cooking liquid...
  • In a large pan, heat a few spoonful of extra virgin olive oil and Fry the 'garlic over high heat. Having done remove it and add the scallion chunks of lamb. Salted ......
  • Insert the spit the ribs block. the spit It must be inserted in such a way that the food will be exposed to heat homogeneously; it should be noted that the part close to the bone requires a cooking time .....
  • Carefully wash the intestine (by this stage will reside goodness of the dish) and soak it in water. twisted among them the own intestines forming a kind of Braid. Put the spit and leave ....
  • Cut the goat meat in medium-sized pieces. In a large pan prepare a fried garlic, onion, parsley and chilli. Arrange the pieces of meat to the pan, add salt .....
  • With a meat mallet flatten the slices of meat. Mince fine with bacon, garlic and parsley and mix well. Spread the mixture on slices, roll them up ...
  • Clean the squid by removing the skin and emptying inner bag. Cut off the heads and the tentacles and fry in a pan with a clove of garlic. Once chopped mirepoix all with a crescent and .....
  • Prepare if possible the day before the stock, the success of the dish is precisely in the care of the preparation of the latter. Once the broth ready anoint with Butter a baking pan, meanwhile .....
  • Prepare the mound of flour and semolina and knead with eggs and squid ink, let rest for 30 minutes, then pull the rolling pin and cut the noodles. Prepare now sauce: Clean the ......
  • Cut the last part of the asparagus stalk. In a skillet saute the garlic and cook the tips of asparagus. Drain the pasta al dente ....
  • Wash the clams under running water, put them in a large pan with a ladle of water and let them open moderate heat. As, remove from heat those that open .....
  • Prepare the flour, pour in the eggs, salt, add a little olive oil and work it all until a compact and uniform dough. Let stand for a half an hour.....
  • Prepare a sauce with extra virgin olive oil and a finely chopped onion. Add the tomatoes cut into cubes and basil and cook for 15 minutes, season with salt. Meanwhile, cook the ravioli in plenty of water.
  • Soak the sheets of carasau in broth, seasoned with sauce tomato and a sprinkling of pecorino until, layer by layer, the desired portion ...
  • Clean the mussels by rubbing the surface well and eliminating the fine. Rinse in water Cold with clams and place them in a large pan. Let them open a high flame and remove them from the pan. We not only .....
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