Cut the potatoes and tomatoes into cubes. Let dry
gently in a little oil the onion and chopped carrot.
As soon as the onion is wilted, the potatoes together ....
Lightly fry the sausage, cut into pieces, up to
browning. Remove the sausage from the pan. In the bottom obtained
add the garlic, peeled, preserves, saffron ....
Prepare the chopped carrot, celery and onion into small cubes,
put everything in a pan with a little oil. Add
after a few minutes salt and pepper and continue browning.
Add the wild boar meat ....
Brown the sausage (crumbled and without skin) in a pan with
oil, the finely chopped onion and the bay leaves. After a while
add wine. Add the tomato ...
the armor incident shrimp and scampi and remove the
gutted black. Cut the lobster into pieces. Saute garlic
crushed with the oil in a large frying pan, add the lobster ..
Wash the asparagus, cut the woody part and put them in
a pan with oil and garlic browned
previously. Cook slowly adding some
spoon of water until the asparagus .....
Blanch the tomatoes and peel them and remove the seeds. Brown
the meat, add the sauteed vegetables, blend with
wine, add the tomatoes salt and cook the sauce. Prepare
some 'vegetable broth, soak the bread carasau in
Wash and slice the aubergines and courgettes.
Let them grill with a little 'oil, salt and set aside.
In a saute pan of the peeled garlic clove and
crushed. As soon begins .....
The anemones are accurately washed, possibly
with sea water, to remove all impurities (algae,
sand) that get stuck between the tentacles. we recommend...
Put the octopus with vegetables in a saucepan with water
cold, add the garlic, white wine and the stems of
parsley, salt and cook over medium heat ....
Finely chop the parsley washed and private exchange. In
a bowl place the flour, the sparkling water, two tablespoons of
oil, egg yolks, a pinch of salt and .....
Clean the flowers, opening the calyx of the flower and eliminating the
central pistil, remove the stem and the filaments and then
wash them. In a large bowl blend ...
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