martedì 4 marzo 2025
  • » Sardinia


  • Clean the cuttlefish and cut into rings. Sauté with a little oil the clove of garlic and chopped parsley . Remove the garlic as soon as it reaches a golden color and add ...
  • Wash the prawns and pat dry. Spaccateli in two opening them on the side of the back and trying not to completely divide the two sides. Eliminate black gutted. Chop the parsley and garlic ...
  • strictly sausage stops with the wooden skewers arranged in a radial pattern, giving it the shape of a wheel by inserting a few bay leaves ...
  • Trimmed the meat depriving nerve parts, then cut into small pieces and place in a bowl with the garlic. Salt and pepper the meat, stirring with your hands ...
  • Clean the capon. Peel the potatoes, cut into thin slices and place them in water cold. Cut into thin rounds even tomatoes that will be needed to cover the fish. In a roasting pan ...
  • Flake and wash the fish , removing the entrails . In a pan, heat the oil over low heat . Start cooking with potatoes ( previously washed , peeled and cut into rounds purposes ) and the cherry tomatoes cut in half ...
  • Mix the flour with the lard and a pinch of salt with a little helping of warm water. Knead until dough is smooth, then cover with a cloth and let rest ...
  • Toast the hazelnuts in the oven heat to 180 degrees and cold grind. Put sugar in a saucepan and add 50 g of water, melt, add the two grated oranges and honey. Continue to cook over low heat…
  • Peeled almonds, then cut into strips , place them in the oven not very hot and let it dry; They should not be too dry or color him a lot. Grease the plates with lard or oil and sprinkle ...
  • After removing the white part underneath the orange peel, cut into strips the thickness of two millimeters and the length of 5-6 cm. put them soak for 5 days, taking care to change the water every day ...
  • Wash the oranges, dry them and cut the peel longitudinally removing the top cap and bottom. The rind should be cut into strips1 cm approx . Fill a large ...
  • Prepare the squid. Disconnect the tentacles from the body, eliminated the entrails and the pen from bag. Remove the skin from the bag and remove the beak of the head. Wash all under running water and cut ....
  • Immobilized lobsters tucking the tail along the belly and tying with kitchen twine. Fill a pot of water and pour the Vernaccia wine, onion whole and the bay leaves. When the water boils ......
  • Immerse the lobsters in boiling salted water, and cook for 10-15 minutes then letting them cool in the same water. Meanwhile, sliced thinly the onions and put them to soak in water and salt.....
  • Eviscerated eels, rub them with a cloth pretty rough that removes the slimy coating. insert them in a circular shape and skewer put between the one and the other a bay leaf. Salt them ......
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