martedì 4 marzo 2025

Marinella beach

close to the Costa Smeralda

Marinella beach
A few kilometers from Porto Rotondo, the Marinella beach is a little paradise, bathed by the crystalline waters of an amazing sea for its transparency and purity.
Is' equipped with deckchairs and umbrellas, rental of boats and jet skis, surfing and pedal boats, nice bars and restaurants serving seafood specialties pied dans l' eau!
Also ideal for children and young companies that make this beach one of the favorite haunts .
Can be reached from Olbia to Palau, made ??about 5.2 km, turn right towards Golfo Aranci, made ??another 4.5 km turn left, another 500 m and turn right following the signs for the Gulf of Marinella; 800 and turn left follow the signs Hotel Abi d' Oru and made ??another 300 m turn right on gravel road leading to the beach.
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