martedì 4 marzo 2025

Camping Village Spiaggia del Riso ***

a corner of paradise by the sea

Camping Village Spiaggia del Riso ***
The Village Camping Spiaggia del Riso   is located close to Villasimius, at the south east of Sardinia, by the sea, surrounded by 60 000 square meters of pine forest: a corner of paradise just 50 km from Cagliari.
Villasimius, with its 35 miles of coastline with alternating small coves and wide sandy beaches, is also known as the Caribbean of the Mediterranean to the transparency of water ranging from blue crystal clear, the bright turquoise and emerald green.

Here tourists will not be spoiled for choice: find a beach day, whether you want it in a tropical style, with fine white sand, whether it prefers rocky coasts, rich in spectacular backdrops and intimate coves.
The Village Camping Spiaggia del Riso Villasimius is the right answer for every need, and awaits you with all this ... and much more.

Inside the Village Camping Spiaggia del Riso is the Ristorante Pizzeria La Source that each evening offers a variety of dishes of local cuisine with products of the highest quality and freshness.
Lunch is on the self-service that will allow you to make a break with simple and genuine food.
For a good start to the day, you can have breakfast at the beach bar or at the Bar La Sorgente, where there is also a wi-fi.
Inside the Market of the village you will also find a wide range of products for every need: a fruit and vegetable department, a deli counter and a butcher.
And finally there is the resale of tobacco and newspapers with major national and foreign.

The hospitality

They are located in a central position, grouped into a single body to the ground floor, near the sea and the pine forest.
They feature feature refrigerators, air conditioning, private bathroom with shower, TV, safe, covered veranda, furnished with a table and chairs, where you can spend relaxing moments outdoors.

Bungalow Back Banana Log cabin, sqm. 30, covering and closing of the terrace in plastic canvas, which makes the bungalow bright and airy.
Is 'with terrace comfortable and spacious with a kitchenette (fridge, sink, gas, complete with dishes and pots) and dining room, bedroom, bedroom with two bunk beds and one low, shelves, bathroom with shower.
Bungalow Sloth are small wooden houses comfortable and spacious 30 sqm for 4/5 persons. It's consist of living room with kitchenette, equipped with dishes, pans, fridge, bedroom, bedroom with twin or bunk beds, bathroom with shower .
The campsite is set in a beautiful pine forest of Mediterranean nature, on which you can spend their vacation with peace and fun.
  • apertura: maggio - ottobre
  • indirizzo: loc. Campulongu
  • località: Villasimius
  • tel +39 070.791052
  • fax: +39 070.797150
  • email:
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