martedì 4 marzo 2025

Camping Village Acapulco ***

ideal for family holidays with children

Camping Village Acapulco ***
Villaggio Camping Acapulco is located in a beautiful location, nestled on one of the most beautiful scenery of the north coast of Sardinia, with its 17,000 square meters. extension, overlooking the majestic enchanting archipelago of La Maddalena, right in front of Porto Raphael, just 500 m from the center of Palau.

The structure is completely immersed in the natural surroundings, allowing our guests an unforgettable return to nature, but with all the comfort and modern conveniences.
The Camping has Caravans and Bungalows right on the sea, with a full range of services, such as running hot and cold water, electricity, central toilet facilities with free hot showers.

Moreover the Camping Village Acapulco offers camper service, postal service, telephone, children's playground, parking cars and motorcycles, Restaurant, Bar and Pizzeria with wood oven, landing stage.

And for sports Windsurfing, Sailing, Diving, Boat trips to the islands of Spargi, Budelli and Santa Maria and riding in the Cala Lepre.
The wide sandy beach, the sea clean the particular tranquility make Camping Acapulco, the resort is ideal for family holidays with children.
  • apertura: marzo - ottobre
  • indirizzo: Loc. Punta Palau
  • località: Palau
  • tel +39 0789 709497
  • fax: +39 0789 706380
  • email:
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