martedì 4 marzo 2025

Fried Stuffed Ravioli

Fried Stuffed Ravioli
dispose of
1 kg of flour
100 g lard
1 kg of potatoes
extra virgin olive oil
1 onion,
2 cloves garlic
a sprig of fresh mint
50 g salted cheese (frue)


Prepare the 'dough by working the flour with lard helping with a bit of warm water. Work the mixture well mixing the ingredients and let stand. In the meantime boil the potatoes and mash them once cold. Fry in an oiled pan the onion and chopped garlic. Then seasoned potatoes with the garlic and sprig of fresh mint. Finally, add 50 g. salty cheese (frue). Take the dough and roll it out. Place a spoonful of filling and close the pasta in the book. Eliminate excess air and cut the dough, creating many small ravioli. Bake in hot oil until golden pasta.
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