venerdì 24 gennaio 2025

Cala d'Oliva beach

on the north east coast of the island of Asinara

Cala d'Oliva beach
The Cala d'Oliva is located northeast of the island of Asinara. The island of Asinara is a jagged granite and shale formation that extends on the north western tip of Sardinia, on Cape Falcon, expanded to 52 square kilometers.
The Cala d'Oliva is home to the major port of the same name, one of the main harbors along Asinara Cala Reale and in Fornelli.
It is a very important area for two reasons.
The first is represented by two beautiful beaches that are found there, formed by white sand lapped by the fabulous sea: one to the south of the promontory, called Sa Murighessa or of Prisoners; the other to the north, near the village and marina. Additionally, at Cala d'Oliva is the country, only Asinara town. Just behind the houses rise buildings of the former penal colony, now used for offices of the Park and Environmental Education Center.
Cala d'Oliva can be reached with the Ente Parco licensed vessels, departing from Stintino and Porto Torres.

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