lunedì 3 marzo 2025

la costa di Olbia

spiagge ad Olbia

  • Spalmatore beach
    Island of Tavolara
    on the southwest coast of the Island of Tavolara, the white sand bathed by an extraordinary transparent sea ...
  • Porto Istana beach
    among the most beautiful of Gallura
    Olbia southbound San Teodoro , on the SS 125 , after about 9 km, turn left for Porto Istana ...
  • Beach Li Cuncheddi
    near Porto Istana
    from Olbia in the direction of San Teodoro , on the SS 125 , after about 9 km turn left towards Porto Istana ...
  • Beach le Saline
    south of Olbia
    from Olbia south towards San Teodoro, along Highway 125, go ahead for 6 km then turn left ...
  • Bados Beach
    just minutes from Olbia
    served by kiosks and playgrounds for volleyball and beach tennis is one of the busiest beaches in the area ...
  • Sassi Beach
    towards Punta Volpe in Porto Rotondo
    from Olbia towards Arzachena, made ??6.5 kilometers turn right towards Costa Smeralda, then drive 1.5 kilometers ..
  • Ira beach
    in the center of Porto Rotondo
    Ira beach is among the most beautiful beaches on the north coast of Sardinia and relax in the resort of Porto Rotondo ...
  • Pittulongu Beach
    the beach in Olbia
    crystal clear sea that bathes a long stretch of white sand with many bars on the beach ...
  • Beach Mare e Rocce
    near Pittulongu
    from Olbia along the coastal road leading to Golfo Aranci , after about 6 km ...
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