luned́ 3 marzo 2025

spiagge dell'Arcipelago della Maddalena

la costa dell'Arcipelago della Maddalena

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  • Granarina beach
    on the island of Spargi
    It is located on the east coast of the island of Spargi and is reached only by sea.
  • Beach of Cala Andreani
    Caprera Island
    Starting from the port of La Maddalena, turn right, take the scenic route towards Moneta ...
  • Beach Relitto
    Caprera Island
    It is located in the southern part of the island of Caprera. Starting from the port of La Maddalena turn right towards Moneta ...
  • Beach Cala Portese
    on 'island of Caprera
    Starting from the port of La Maddalena, turn right, take the scenic route towards Moneta, then to Caprera ...
  • Beach of Pesce
    Santo Stefano Island, in the Archipelago of La Maddalena
    Located on the island of Santo Stefano, on the west coast, it can be reached only by sea...
  • Beach Cala Brigantina
    Caprera Island, in the Archipelago of La Maddalena
    It is located on the Island of Caprera, the Archipelago of Maddalena, on the east coast, reachable only by boat.
  • Cala Coticcio (known as Tahiti Beach)
    Caprera, the Archipelago of Maddalena
    It is located on the Island of Caprera, the Archipelago of Maddalena, on the east coast, reachable only by boat ...
  • Beach Cala Napoletana
    Caprera, the Archipelago of Maddalena
    It is located on the island of Caprera in the northwestern coast, reachable only by boat ...
  • Beach Cala Serena
    the Island of Caprera
    From the port of La Maddalena, take the pan to the east, after 3 km you reach the bridge connecting the island of La Maddalena with Caprera Island ...
  • Beach Spalmatore
    La Maddalena Island
    Arrived at the port of La Maddalena, enter the scenic east, after 4 km, park your car ...
  • Beach of Cala Lunga La Maddalena
    on the island of La Maddalena
    He arrived on the Island of La Maddalena from the port to take the scenic route that runs along the island, clockwise ...
  • Beach of Monti d'a Rena
    on the island of La Maddalena
    He arrived on the Island of La Maddalena, from the port to take the scenic route that runs along the island ...
  • Beach of Bassa Trinità
    La Maddalena Island
    Arrived in the island of La Maddalena, from the port to take the scenic route that runs along the island clockwise, after almost 6.5 kilometers ..
  • Beach of Cala Santa Maria
    on the Island of Santa Maria, Maddalena Islands
    It is located on the south coast of the island of Santa Maria, reachable only by boat ...
  • Beach of Cala Trana
    on the island of Budelli, Maddalena Islands
    It is located on the northwest coast of the island of Budelli and can be reached only by sea from the west side of the island ...
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